26th December 2020
5 min Read
Valentine’s Day has a rich history and is characteristically when couples across the globe honour their spouses, partners, and sweethearts and express their affection with greetings & gifts. It started in Roman times as a coming of Spring pagan festival celebrating fertility with the pairing off of couples. This festival of Lupercalia was adopted as St. Valentine’s Day by Pope Gelasius in the fifth century and by the fourteenth century it had become a date for romance.
These days there are multiple ways to celebrate - and it doesn’t have to be through a grand gesture. A simple card, either physically sent through the post or digitally ordered online can express in a few words that special feeling between two people.
Many companies including the Royal Mail have got into the spirit of the day. One year they celebrated Valentine's by decorating some post boxes with romantic quotes. In an age of online messaging they hoped to rekindle a fondness for the handwritten love letter. Romantic quotes from works by John Keats, Anna Seward & Thomas Hardy adorned red postboxes in some locations across the country. Robert Burns’ famous song “My Luve is like a red red rose that’s newly sprung in June” was featured and refers to the writer’s love for that person as being beautiful, vivid, and fresh as a flower that has just recently bloomed.
Writing love letters, especially long ones, may be an art of the past. Sending flowers is most definitely a custom of the present. Well known brands such as M & S and Waitrose are stalwarts in the market & lesser known companies like Bloom & Wild remarkably use flat pack sized packages for their flowers which fit through the letter box. Then they literally unfold when placed in water.
A personalised gift is another way of showing affection. That way those special words can be seen in an everyday way on an everyday garment or gift. Take the humble tshirt - simply using the “I heart” template & then the names of the couple says a huge amount without too much detail. LIkewise a simple idea all too easy to follow through is to upload a photo of you both displaying a special memory on a personalised mug - even using the words “His” & “Hers” is a great gift.
There are many who don’t celebrate with gifts & opt for different ways to remember each other on the day. Playing tourist in your own town, cooking dinner together, going for a drive or even making a scrapbook of your relationship in photos. Everyone has their own ideas of displaying affection on Valentine’s Day and some prefer to forget it altogether !
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